The Origin of Butler Maps

In 2008, three passionate riders—Scott Calhoun, Court Butler, and Fred Butler—set out to solve a problem that every motorcyclist faces: finding the absolute best roads to ride. At the time, no single resource existed that eloquently showcased the most scenic, exhilarating, and rider-friendly routes across the country. Recognizing this gap, they decided to create something truly unique—maps built by riders, for riders.

Scott, a longtime family friend, provided the capital needed to turn the vision into reality. Meanwhile, Fred and Scott spent over a year navigating the complex patent process to secure a method for rating roads—a system that would ultimately set Butler Maps apart. But the real work happened on the road. In the first two years alone, the three of them collectively rode nearly 250,000 miles, exploring, evaluating, and refining the way they identified and ranked the best motorcycle routes.

In those early days, when they couldn’t yet afford to hire additional riders, Scott spent months in the field, logging countless miles to ensure we were capturing the very best roads. His dedication and time in the saddle played a critical role in shaping the foundation of Butler Maps and establishing the high standards we maintain to this day.

As the company grew, they brought in fellow adventurer Justin Bradshaw to spearhead marketing efforts, helping Butler Maps reach an even wider audience of riders eager to experience the best roads the way they had intended. What started as a simple idea fueled by passion and necessity has since evolved into the premier resource for motorcyclists seeking unforgettable rides.

At Butler Maps, every route we feature is the result of thousands of miles, countless hours, and an unwavering dedication to the riding experience. We don’t just map roads—we help riders find their next great adventure.